The National Library (KB) has more than 120 kilometers of written heritage, ranging from Donald Duck to law books, from literature to rare books from the special collection. To mark the 225th anniversary of the KB, Anne Geene… read more
Cats are not as innocent as they look. Behind their mask of whiskers sometimes lurks a true criminal, ready to commit the purr-fect crime. While any cat may be classified as slightly rebellious, occasionally stealing food from… read more
Although the English polymath John Herschel (1792–1871) is now largely forgotten, he was the best-known scientist of his day. Due to this stature, he appeared unknowingly in a now famous hoax regarding the discovery of life on… read more
By varying their context, photographs gain new meanings. This dictionary gives the reader the possibility of linking any linguistic entry to any image. We chose the 200 most common English nouns and combined them with 200 of… read more
This is a new, expanded edition of the eponymous title published in 2016.
Anne Geene and Arjan de Nooy combine visual tools from the science of birds with the specific characteristics of photography, thereby imparting a fresh look at both. Through their pseudoscientific approach, Geene and De Nooy… read more
Inspired by the work of the Czech philosopher Vilém Flusser, Arjan de Nooy proposes a distinctive outlook on photography in 20 propositions. These are the opening moves of 'Photology', a photobook about photography played by… read more
The ‘Book of Plants’ is a eulogy on plants in all their appearances, a continuation of an oeuvre that is an expression of the remarkable beauty of the unremarkable. Anne Geene’s quest for specimens with various types of… read more
A series of absurd and experimental arboretums. For example a women's arboretum (with only female trees), a man's arboretum and of course a genderneutral one.
Handmade and riso printed.
Isolated late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century drawings of the homing studies of ants. They show routes of individual ants showing ‘Turner’s Loops’ (unexplained, erratic loops just before they reach their nest).… read more
This monograph offers an introduction to the life, work and opinions of the universal photographer U. (1955-2016), a man who produced more pictures of more different subjects in more different styles than any other… read more
We humans classify, almost as an instinct. The Flemish physician and botanist Rembert Dodoens (1517-1585) classified plants and did this in a way unique for his time, proving of great influence on the scientific world. Now,… read more